Veronica came to Ayurveda after a long journey through other healing modalities - Chinese Medicine, Western Medicine, etc. She was born with chronic eczema, an autoimmune condition. When she came to Ayurveda, she also had IBS and had spent five years without a menstrual cycle.
She began working with Jess in 2020. Veronica and Jess worked together to understand the underlying physical and emotional patterns behind Veronica's health challenges.
Jess was a stable center throughout my entire process, from the highs to the lows. She maintained confidence in me through all the anxiety and emotional shifts.
Veronica began to uncover how she was using eating as emotional regulation. She brought awareness to how this was a core contributor to her autoimmune challenges. The awareness allowed her to notice and break the pattern when it arose.
Ayurveda and Jess have completely shifted the way my brain works. I've created an awareness of my body and my patterns that allows me to stay in an easeful state by understanding what my body truly wants.
Working with Jess brought Veronica to a point where she was able to:
- heal from her autoimmune condition
- regain her menstrual cycle
- and restore her digestive system
This is an example of how seemingly separate health issues can come from the same place. Our body and mind are highly interdependent, and we need to approach them as a holistic system. Ayurveda looks at conditions as manifestations of deeper patterns, and treats them as such.